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Transport terms and conditions - Corto Taxi
Transport order
For conducting a licensed trade
Taxi service: Corto Taxi s.r.o.
drawn up in accordance with Act No. 56/2012 Coll. on Road Transport, Act No. 8/2009 Coll. on Road Traffic and Act no. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code.
Art. I.
Introductory provisions
1. The Conditions of Carriage shall govern the transport conditions of the carrier necessary for the conclusion of a transport contract in a taxi service.
2. The published rules of carriage shall form part of the carrier’s proposal to conclude the contract of carriage and, once concluded, its content shall form part of the contractual rights and obligations of the participants.
Art. II.
Definition of basic terms
Taxi service is the operation of passenger transport by taxi vehicles as the transport of individual passengers to a destination under a passenger transport contract. The carrier has an operational obligation in the scope of the concession, a transport obligation in the scope of the transport regulations and a tariff obligation according to the tariff.
Art. III.
Obligations of the carrier
1. The carrier shall:
a) operate a passenger road transport in taxis according to the transport rules,
(b) ensure that the transport rules are published and made available on their website;
c) to transport passengers according to the valid price list of the taxi service and, on request of the passenger, to issue a receipt of the performed transport and payment of the fare;
(d) take care of the safety, comfort and peaceful transport of passengers and of their luggage;
(e) mark each operated vehicle with its trade name;
f) be insured against liability for damage caused by the operation of passenger road transport in taxis, passengers and third parties,
(g) where, under a contract with the carrier, the carriage of passengers by road is provided by the performing carrier, the provisions of these Regulations shall apply to him to the same extent.
Art. IV.
Taxi vehicle
1. A taxis may only be vehicles which:
(a) is listed in the concession and is assigned a registration number of the taxi vehicle in the concession; this number must be placed in the taxi vehicle in a place visible to the passenger,
(b) is marked on the front left and right doors with the business name of the taxi operator and the telephone number of the dispatching service of the ordering service, if established by the taxi operator; otherwise the carrier’s telephone number,
(c) it has a fixed functional taximeter, which meets the requirements for specified meters, which allows the passenger to monitor the immediate fare during transport and which issues a travel voucher; the taximeter does not need to have a taxi service used for the carriage of a group of passengers who have paid the fare before commencement of the carriage or at the usual places on the regular carriage route,
(d) it shall have a standard fare on the right front door and inside a taxi service in a position visible to the passenger; this shall not apply in the case of taxis used for the carriage of a group of passengers who have paid fare before commencement of the carriage or at the usual places on the regular carriage route,
e) is insured against liability for damage to health or property of the passenger,
(f) it shall be equipped with a fixed or detachable yellow roof lamp with the inscription TAXI;
(g) it must allow the carriage of at least 50 kg of full luggage in the total mass of the vehicle, or it must have a luggage compartment or a hold of at least 375 dm³.
Art. IN.
Taxis performance
1. The carrier has a transport and operational obligation if the conditions of the carriage rules are met.
2. The carrier may offer the carriage of passengers at a designated post or by ordering service, whereby the contract of carriage of persons may be concluded by the driver with the passenger anywhere.
3. Transport shall take place on the shortest route allowed by the traffic situation; it may use another route only with the consent of the passenger or at his / her suggestion, or if it is a well-known regular route for a group of passengers. Following the conclusion of a contract of carriage with a passenger, the carriage of passengers on the same route may be taken by another passenger only with the consent of the passenger or on his proposal, or if it is a known regular route for the carriage of a group of passengers.
4. During transport, the driver and passengers shall not smoke, drink, eat and feed the animals being transported in the taxi car. In the front seat, it is forbidden for the passenger to handle hand luggage, newspapers, maps or other objects that could reduce the driver’s view while driving a taxi.
5. Hand luggage may be carried in the passenger compartment. The driver determines whether the luggage is carried as hand luggage or not. luggage in the luggage compartment. Where the driver designates a luggage space as the place of transport, the passenger shall draw attention to the specific nature of the luggage, in particular its content and value, and require that it be handled or stored in a particular position. The luggage and other things shall be loaded and unloaded, placed or affixed by the taxi driver; where appropriate, the passenger is obliged to provide the driver with adequate assistance in stowing or unloading. If the driver has doubts about the baggage he / she is entitled to ascertain in the presence of the passenger about its nature and content. If the passenger refuses to examine the baggage or if it is revealed that the goods (animals) that the passenger wishes to carry are excluded from the carriage, the passenger is obliged to remove them from the taxi car. If the passenger does not obey the instruction, the baggage will be removed by an authorized person. In this case, the authorized person may exclude the passenger from further travel.
6. The following shall be excluded from carriage:
(a) goods the carriage of which is prohibited under generally binding legislation;
(b) charged weapons, with the exception of firearms of members of the armed forces and of the police, for the carriage of which special regulations apply;
(c) goods which may compromise the safety of operation or damage or contaminate passengers or the vehicle due to improper packaging;
d) things which by their odor, repulsive appearance and so on. could be a burden to passengers,
(e) luggage of a total mass exceeding 50 kg.
7. In a taxi vehicle, persons may only be carried in the authorized places up to the permissible payload of the vehicle, and the number of persons carried must not exceed the number of seats shown in the part I and part II registration certificate or the vehicle technical certificate.
8. In the front seat next to the driver, only a passenger who is allowed to carry traffic safety and traffic regulations can be carried.
9. The taxi driver shall, upon request, issue a certificate to the passenger, including in particular:
(a) the document number;
(b) the vehicle registration number;
(c) date of journey;
(d) the origin and destination of the shipment;
e) travel expenses paid;
(f) signature of the taxi driver who carried out the carriage.
10. When carrying out a taxi service, the driver shall be required to have the following documents in the taxi service:
(a) vehicle registration certificate;
(b) a technical inspection certificate;
(c) an emission control certificate;
d) proof of compulsory motor third party liability insurance,
(e) a copy of the concession deed;
f) taximeter verification certificate,
g) taxi driver’s ID card placed in a visible place for the passenger,
(h) proof of payment of fares in taxi services.
Art. VI.
Contract of carriage of persons
1. The contractual relationship between the carrier and the passenger arises on the basis of a concluded contract on the transport of persons pursuant to Sections 760 to 764 of the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as the “transport contract”).
2. The carrier may conclude a contract for the carriage of persons with passengers by means of a taxi driver at a taxi stand or anywhere in the territory designated in the concession where, during a journey without a passenger, it is accompanied by a taxi vehicle; at its headquarters, or through a dispatching center.
3. Before carrying out the transport and concluding the transport contract, the passenger has the right to acquaint himself with the valid price list of the taxi service. The taxi driver is obliged to provide the passenger with a receipt (document) containing the data according to Art. V. para. 9 of the Transport Regulations.
4. By concluding the contract of carriage, the carrier shall be obliged to carry the passenger properly and in time to the destination in accordance with the contractual terms and conditions of the carriage rules. The driver of the taxi vehicle may refuse to conclude the contract of carriage and carry out the carriage according to the conditions of Art. VIII. transport order.
5. Carrying out the carriage on the basis of the concluded contract of carriage and according to the conditions of the carriage schedule, the passenger is obliged to pay the specified fare according to the taxi price list. Refusal to pay travel expenses is enforceable by court.
Art. VII.
Withdrawal from the contract
1. The carrier may withdraw from the concluded contract of carriage if the conditions of the contract of carriage or the provisions of the carriage rules are not met by the passengers.
2. The driver of a taxi vehicle may withdraw from a concluded transport contract if, despite the driver’s warning, the passenger smokes, consumes food and drinks, or fails to comply with the provisions of the transport rules to ensure safe transport, jeopardizes the safety of the driver, pollutes the interior of the vehicle, unjustifiably changes the route and destination of the transport or otherwise raises concerns for the safety of the driver.
3. A passenger may withdraw from a concluded contract of carriage if the carrier or the driver of the taxi service has breached the contractual or transport conditions.
Art. VIII.
Refusal of carriage
1. A taxi driver may refuse to carry out a journey or fail to complete a journey if:
(a) this does not allow the technical condition and permeability of the road or the safety and fluency of road traffic along the route, in particular as a result of weather conditions, road damage or traffic accidents,
(b) the behavior of the passenger, in particular if he is aggressive or armed, or the time of the journey, the destination, the route of the journey or other circumstances give the driver concern for his health, the safety of transport or the taxi;
(c) due to the condition of the passenger, there is a risk of the taxi service vehicle becoming soiled or harassing the driver while driving;
(d) despite warning in the taxi, the passenger smokes, consumes food and beverages or the animal being fed, or handles luggage, newspapers, a map or other thing that may obstruct the driver’s view or compromise the driving of the taxi in the front seat;
(e) the passenger has baggage which, owing to its size, size, weight or shape, cannot be carried at the same time or wishes to transport animals which, because of their size, frequency or behavior, cannot be carried in the passenger compartment or in the luggage compartment.
Art. IX.
Dealing with found things
Taxi driver in case of finding a lost thing of the passenger in the taxi vehicle respectively. abandoned baggage shall be handed over to the owner. If the owner of the found thing is unknown or if he does not register on the day of the finding, the driver is obliged to hand the thing over to the carrier (taxi operator). If the person who lost or forgot the case in the taxi car registers, and there is no doubt about the authenticity of his claim, the case is handed over to him.
Art. X.
1. The carrier is duly and timely liable for breach of the duty of taxi service according to § 763 par. 2 of the Civil Code. In the event of unjustified delay or failure to carry out the carriage due to the fault of the carrier or the taxi driver, the carrier is obliged to compensate the passenger for the damage caused by the carriage not being carried out in time, as follows:
a) compensation for delay will be dealt with by a proportional discount on the paid fare,
b) compensation of damage for non-performance of carriage will be settled by payment of the fare according to the taxi price list.
2. The carrier shall be released from his liability if he can prove that he could not have prevented the damage even by making every effort that may be required of him.
Art. XI.
Complaints, complaints, damage
1. Passengers or those entitled to make a complaint in connection with the carriage must lodge it with the carrier in writing no later than 30 days after the carriage. The claimant must define his requirements and justify them briefly, attaching documents proving the eligibility of the claim. If the complaint does not have all the requisites, the carrier immediately invites the complainant to complete it within the specified time limit. If the complaint is not completed and is not sent within the set period of not less than 8 days, it shall be deemed not to have been filed.
2. If a passenger, or a person authorized to lodge a complaint in connection with a carriage, must lodge a complaint with the carrier in writing, no later than 7 calendar days from the fact to which the complaint relates.
3. If the passenger incurs damage to his / her health or to luggage transported with him / her or to his / her belongings during the transport, the carrier is liable for it according to the provisions of Act no. 40/1964 Coll. Civil Code on Liability for Damage Caused by the Operation of Vehicles (Sections 427 to 431).
4. If the creditor claims damage caused to health and property, or damage caused by theft or loss of the thing proceeds in accordance with § 106 of the Civil Code.
5. The passenger is obliged to claim the right to compensation of damage to the passenger’s luggage carried with him or to things that the passenger had with him, not later than 30 days from the date of the damage or 15 days from the date of the damage. when the victim learns of the damage.
Art. XII.
Extraordinary event
1. The following shall be considered as an extraordinary event (hereinafter referred to as “MU”) in the performance of passenger transport – taxis:
(a) a road accident;
(b) vehicle fire;
(c) accident or sudden illness of the passenger or other person.
2. In the case of MU, the driver of a taxis is obliged in particular to:
(a) immediately stop the vehicle;
b) take the necessary measures to save passengers and property endangered by MU,
c) to provide the necessary first aid to the injured person according to his abilities and possibilities and to call for professional medical assistance without delay,
(d) take appropriate measures to ensure that road safety is not jeopardized and to enable it to be restored.
3. If a person has been injured or killed, a road damaged or a public utility facility, or if material damage exceeds ten times the minimum monthly wage of an employee, the driver of the taxi is obliged to:
a) immediately report MU to the police authority,
b) refrain from conduct that would prejudice the examination of MU,
c) to remain in the place until the arrival of the police authority, or to return to this place without delay after the granting or summoning of assistance or after the notification of MU.
Art. XIII.
Final provisions
1. These Rules of Carriage are part of the contract of carriage, and the carrier and the passenger have the right in a written agreement to regulate the rights and obligations different from those set out in the Carriage Regulations.
2. By concluding the contract of carriage, the passenger declares that the carrier has informed him of the rights and obligations arising from the Contract of Carriage as well as of the rights and obligations arising from the Carriage Regulations.
3. The Carrier reserves the right to change the Rules of Carriage and informs the passengers without delay by means of a notification on the Carrier’s website stating the date from which these changes come into effect. These Conditions of Carriage come into force and effect on the day of its publication on the carrier’s website. Unless otherwise agreed between the carrier and the passenger, they shall have the right to terminate their obligations and to settle their mutual claims.